Unlock Your Team's Potential: Be more productive with Trust and Delegation

Delegate like a Boss

Actionable Steps to Empower Your Team

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Every Saturday, I share strategies that help leaders be brilliant. I write about skills to level up your communications, personal branding, productivity and share strategies for marketing and experience.

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When I was a new leader, I needed to be in control.

I remember during a 1:1 meeting with my boss – where I was completely spun out and stressed, he said:

“You have to learn to delegate. You can’t do everything yourself – as a leader, you need to work through the operation.”

My boss was a very wise man.

He knew that learning to trust and delegate effectively can transform your work environment, leading to increased productivity, better team morale, and a more efficient workflow.

By mastering these skills, a leader can expect tasks to be completed faster (of course). Still, another benefit is a more engaged team and more time to focus on strategic initiatives.

Like me, many people struggle with trust and delegation due to fear of losing control, lack of confidence in their team, or simply not knowing how to delegate effectively.

Fear of Losing Control

Losing control over the outcome is one of the scariest things for a leader, but other factors can hold us back:

  • Lack of confidence in team members’ abilities
  • Unclear communication of tasks and expectations
  • Fear of being perceived as lazy or incompetent
  • Past experiences of delegation gone wrong
  • Unwillingness to invest time in training others

Is delegating right for you?

One of the hardest things to know is when something should be delegated and what shouldn’t.

An excellent general rule is:

If a team member can do 70% of the task, the task should be delegated.

Here are some specific questions a leader should ask themselves to determine if a task should be delegated:

Is this task routine or repetitive?

  • Routine or repetitive tasks are often good candidates for delegation, as they can be handled by others with proper guidance.

Does this task align with my core responsibilities and strengths?

  • If it falls outside of your core responsibilities or strengths, consider delegating it to someone more suited to handle it.

Will this task contribute to my team’s development?

  • Delegating tasks that provide learning and growth opportunities can help develop your team members’ skills and confidence.

Is this task time-sensitive and requires my immediate attention?

  • Tasks that are urgent and require your specific expertise should be handled personally. Otherwise, consider delegating them.

Do I have the resources and time to complete this task myself?

  • Assess if you have the bandwidth to handle the task without compromising your other responsibilities. If not, delegation might be necessary.

Can someone else do this task more efficiently or effectively?

  • If another team member has the skills or experience to complete the task more efficiently, it makes sense to delegate it to them.

Will delegating this task free up my time for higher-priority activities?

  • Consider if delegating the task will allow you to focus on more strategic, high-impact activities that require your attention.

Does this task require a specific level of authority or decision-making?

  • Some tasks require authority or decision-making that only you can provide. Ensure the task you delegate doesn’t fall into this category.

Is this task a good fit for the skills and interests of my team members?

  • Match the task to the skills and interests of your team members to ensure it’s a good fit and that they are motivated to complete it.

Do I have the time to provide the necessary training and support?

  • Delegation often requires initial training and ongoing support. Ensure you have the time to provide this to set your team up for success.

By using these questions as a guide, building trust, clearly defining tasks, and providing support and feedback—you can master the art of delegation.

Get more done by learning to trust your team and letting others help you.

To summarize (TL;DR)

  • Understand what might be holding you back from delegating
  • Recognize when a good task is appropriate for delegation
  • Let go and trust the team

Remember, self-awareness is the key to leading a productive

You can #bebrilliant!

I hope this advice helps you trust and empower your team.

If you feel like you or a member of the team could use more strategies for building an engaged culture, consider setting up a time with me: Book a meeting

Do you already have a Brilliant Culture? You can find more helpful articles here: Check out the resources.

Did you miss a newsletter? More ways to #bebrilliant: Check out the newsletters.

See you next week!


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Hi! I'm Suzanne

I founded Brilliant Workplaces, a consulting agency that helps businesses with systems for Marketing, Customer, and Employee Experience.​

The #bebrilliant newsletter was created for those who want best practices and systems to build your brand, establish an authority position, and achieve personal and professional growth.

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Be Brilliant

Hi, I'm Suzanne. I am the owner of Brilliant Workplaces, a consulting company helping organizations with the systems and processes for attracting, engaging and retaining customers and their best talent. My newsletter, #bebrilliant is delivered each week, and I outline ways to help professionals balance a healthy life with a thriving career. I talk about strategies for to level up your communications, personal brand and productivity with actionable tips and strategies to achieve a happy, healthy life. Wellness at Work starts now.

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