Find your drive: Strategies for Motivation

Find your drive: Tips and Tricks

Strategies for motivating and getting started.

Thank you for subscribing to the #bebrilliant newsletter!

Every Saturday, I share strategies to stand out among the crowd, skills to level up your communications, personal brand, and productivity, and actionable tips and strategies to accelerate growth using experience and marketing.

If you missed an issue, view it here

Let's face it: sometimes, we don't want to get started on a project. It happens to all of us.

Since owning my business in the past few years, I have had to self-motivate without external motivators (like a boss) pushing me to get something done.

Fortunately, client priorities and deadlines force me to keep moving, but I find myself wandering at slower times.

I use this quote sometimes to motivate:

You need a strategy.

In this week's newsletter, I'll outline three actionable strategies I use when I need a boost to help you find your drive to succeed.

Have a positive outlook on the journey that you are about to start.

Why do we struggle to motivate?

Without a specific end goal, losing focus and motivation is easy.

Lack of motivation can also stem from:

  1. No structured plan
  2. Negative mindset and self-doubt
  3. Lack of support from others

Feeling unmotivated is OK. The first step is to be self-aware of not wanting to do anything.

Acknowledge the feeling, listen to the negative self-talk, and TAKE ACTION ANYWAY.

However, if you need a nudge, here are 3 ways to stop procrastinating and get the momentum you need.

Strategy #1 - Visualize the End Goal

Have I mentioned I'm writing a book? More on this to come, but when I sit down and can't write, I envision the cover, the chapters, and holding the print copy in my hand.

Have a clear picture of your success.

Even when writing this newsletter, I’ll think about the action of publishing it and people enjoying it on Saturdays.

A vivid vision keeps you focused and motivated.

To use this strategy:

1. Write down your objectives: Clearly state your goals and post them where you can see them daily. This constant reminder helps reinforce your commitment.

2. Visualize your goals: Spend a few minutes each morning visualizing your success. Imagine the steps you’ll take and the feelings of accomplishment.

Strategy #2 - Break tasks into manageable pieces

Large projects often overwhelm people, leading to procrastination. Don't tackle everything at once without a clear plan.

  1. First, divide big tasks into smaller steps: Break your project into specific, actionable tasks. This makes the work seem less daunting and more achievable.
  2. Set short-term deadlines: Establish mini-deadlines for each more minor task. This keeps you on track and creates a sense of urgency.
  3. Prioritize tasks: Focus on the most critical tasks first. Use to-do lists or project management tools to prioritize effectively.

I’m a big fan of work design and the Eisenhower Matrix.

I wrote another newsletter about using this strategy, which you can read to understand how this tool is a game-changer.

Strategy #3 - Treat Yourself

Celebrating small victories can be fun and keeps you moving forward.

Reward yourself with something you enjoy when you complete a milestone.

This could be a small treat, a break, or an activity you love (Starbucks, anyone?)

Share your accomplishments by telling a friend or spouse about your progress. Their encouragement can reinforce progress.

Take time to review how far you’ve come. You are doing it!

This reflection can increase confidence and reinforce your commitment to your goals.

To summarize (TL;DR)

  • When you feel unmotivated - acknowledge it, understand why, and move forward.
  • Close your eyes and see the action of accomplishment.
  • Focus on mini-tasks and get them accomplished.
  • Use tools to help you prioritize and focus when needed.
  • Treat yourself to taking the initiative!

Remember, motivation is a journey, not a destination. Stay focused, celebrate every win, and keep pushing forward.

You can #bebrilliant!

I hope this advice helps you improve your productivity.

If you feel like you or a member of the team could use more strategies for building a service culture, consider setting up a time with me: Book a meeting

Do you already have a Brilliant Culture? You can find more helpful articles here: Check out the resources.

Did you miss a newsletter? More ways to #bebrilliant: Check out the newsletters.

See you next week!


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Hi! I'm Suzanne

I founded Brilliant Workplaces, a consulting agency that helps businesses with systems for Marketing, Customer, and Employee Experience.​

The #bebrilliant newsletter was created for those who want best practices and systems to build your brand, establish an authority position, and achieve personal and professional growth.

Do you know someone who would love this newsletter? Please forward it and have them sign up here.

Be Brilliant

Hi, I'm Suzanne. I am the owner of Brilliant Workplaces, a consulting company helping organizations with the systems and processes for attracting, engaging and retaining customers and their best talent. My newsletter, #bebrilliant is delivered each week, and I outline ways to help professionals balance a healthy life with a thriving career. I talk about strategies for to level up your communications, personal brand and productivity with actionable tips and strategies to achieve a happy, healthy life. Wellness at Work starts now.

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