3 essential questions to ask for project success

The 3 essential questions for project success

Learn to ask the right questions for a successful outcome.

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It is exciting to get a new role or project.

You are excited to dive in, design the plan, give out assignments, and make a difference.

Whether you have been in your organization for a long time or are a new team member, knowing where to start can be challenging. Without clear expectations, you might miss the objective that leadership is looking for.

Unfortunately, there is often no onboarding or instruction on what to do when you start a new role or project.

Onboarding or instruction typically doesn't exist because there is an assumption that you already know what to do or the desired outcome, which might be true.

But how do you know if you are on the right track?

Not properly onboarding employees with essential information at a project start is a big mistake and extremely common.

How do you know what you know?

As a consultant, I frequently come into organizations without a roadmap or expectations for a project. Clients expect me to know what to do and where to start (that’s the beauty of a consultant, right?).

In a world of ambiguity, I’ve found the three most effective questions that have helped me understand the landscape of a new role or assignment.

I use them whenever I start a new assignment or have a new project, in combination with a standard assessment I run.

If you want to be successful, these questions will help you understand your new role or project scope faster. They are in no particular order.

In my experience, asking the right questions is a masterful skill necessary for success.

Question 1: (my favorite)

What does success in this role/project look like?

I want to ask this question for a few reasons.

First, it helps the leader visualize and articulate what they are looking for when this assignment or role is successful. The answer allows me to understand where the priority should be when starting a project.

I’ve found that leaders who are unsure about outcomes or needs will stumble with this one. This means they aren’t quite sure what they want, which indicates that I must tell them what success could be like.

This question provides insight into what’s essential for the outcome.

Question 2:

“Who else in the company should I speak to?

In most cases, there is a hidden gem in the organization with a lot of institutional knowledge or, in the case of larger companies, is doing the job well.

By asking who you should speak to, you can get buy-in from another person at the company by including them and leveraging the organization's expertise.

More often than not, this person has figured out where the roadblocks are with technology or buy-in and has successfully overcome them.

If they haven’t been successful, they will be excited to have a new ally!

Question 3:

“What are some of the challenges this role/project will face?”

This question lets me understand what will stand in the way of success from a leader's perspective.

Leaders typically have great insight into some barriers or things to look out for that will help you assess where to spend your efforts and time.

Having leaders articulate some of the issues or barriers also allows them to think about how they can immediately help you remove these to be successful.

A sign of a great leader is someone who will help remove barriers so that you can be more successful.

To summarize (TL;DR)

  1. Understanding where to start in a new organization starts with curiosity and asking questions.
  2. You must help yourself succeed in your new role.
  3. Asking these questions allows leaders to visualize and articulate their needs.

I hope this advice helps you improve your confidence when starting a new job or project.

If you feel like your team could use more information about project buy-in and change management, consider setting up a time with me: Book a meeting

Do you already have a good understanding of your project? You can find more helpful articles here: Check out the resources.

See you next week!

Hi! I'm Suzanne

I founded Brilliant Workplaces, a consulting agency that helps businesses with systems for Marketing, Customer, and Employee Experience.​

The #bebrilliant newsletter was created for those who want best practices and systems to build your brand, establish an authority position, and achieve personal and professional growth.

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Be Brilliant

Hi, I'm Suzanne. I am the owner of Brilliant Workplaces, a consulting company helping organizations with the systems and processes for attracting, engaging and retaining customers and their best talent. My newsletter, #bebrilliant is delivered each week, and I outline ways to help professionals balance a healthy life with a thriving career. I talk about strategies for to level up your communications, personal brand and productivity with actionable tips and strategies to achieve a happy, healthy life. Wellness at Work starts now.

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